
    Here is a summary of the budget priorities for President Prabowo Subianto as outlined in Book II of the 2025 State Budget (RAPBN 2025)

    I. Education Sector Budget Priorities:

    • Enhance access to education.
    • Provide educational facilities and infrastructure.
    • Offer educational assistance.
    • Improve the quality of education.
    • Strengthen link and match strategies to increase relevance with the industrial world.
    • Provide nutritious meals for students at all educational levels (preschool, basic education, secondary education, both general and religious).


    II. Health Sector Budget Priorities:

    • Provide nutritious meals for pregnant/breastfeeding women and toddlers.
    • Accelerate the reduction of stunting.
    • Strengthen the National Health Insurance Program (JKN).
    • Improve access, quality, and availability of primary and referral health services.
    • Enhance inter-agency synergy and strengthen local government roles in health infrastructure provision.
    • Increase the number, quality, and distribution of health human resources.
    • Gradually strengthen the independence of the pharmaceutical industry.


    III. Social Protection Budget Priorities:

    • Improve targeting of social protection programs.
    • Strengthen convergence and complementarity of social protection programs.
    • Enhance the effectiveness of program design and implementation, accelerate graduation from poverty.
    • Strengthen lifelong social protection to anticipate an ageing population.
    • Enhance adaptive social protection schemes to anticipate crisis risks.


    IV. Infrastructure Budget Priorities:

    Aimed at increasing production capacity to boost national economic competitiveness and growth.

    Strategies include infrastructure development to support high-value economic transformation such as basic infrastructure, connectivity infrastructure, energy infrastructure, digital infrastructure, food infrastructure, and supporting infrastructure for the IKN area, as well as PPP infrastructure projects.

    V. Food Security Budget Priorities:

    • Increase food production to support national food self-sufficiency.
    • Improve the quality of healthy food consumption.
    • Improve distribution and agricultural infrastructure.
    • Strengthen coordination between central and local governments.
    • Strengthen national food reserves and community food barns.
    • Enhance institutional, financing, and protection of farming enterprises.

    VI. Industrial Downstreaming Budget Priorities:

    Aimed at creating added value and job opportunities through policies for mineral-based industrial downstreaming and agro-based industrial downstreaming.

    Also includes enhancing competitiveness through the development of industrial ecosystems, industry standardization supervision, accelerating the use of domestic products, and increasing the use of industrial technology.

    VII. Investment Strengthening Budget Priorities:

    Aimed at strengthening foreign investment and international cooperation to accelerate industrial downstreaming, green economy, green infrastructure development, and circular economy development.

    Policies include improving ease of doing business, developing investment opportunity maps, and supporting customs facilities.

    VIII. Gender Mainstreaming Development Budget Priorities:

    Directed through Gender Mainstreaming Strategy (PUG) by all ministries/agencies in terms of access, participation, control, and benefits of development, improving the quality of life and role of women in various fields, and reducing violence against women.

    Policies include:

    • Increasing access to health and educational services for women.
    • Strengthening capacity and independence.
    • Enhancing women’s leadership in decision-making.
    • Increasing active participation of women in the economy and labor market.


    Further, the government is committed to continuing the Redesign of Planning and Budgeting System (RSPP) policies aimed at strengthening the value for money principle in all planning and budgeting stages and their implementation, strengthening performance-based budget implementation, and increasing convergence of programs and activities across ministries/agencies through thematic, holistic, integrative approaches, taking into account spatial aspects.

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